-Children and adolescent
Children and adolescent
- Clinical interviews and consultations
- Child comprehensive development assessment and training
- Speech therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Talks and workshop
Clinical interviews and consultations
We provide assessment and training for children in the following areas:
- School refusal
- Emotional and behavioral difficulties
- Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Other mental problems (e.g. Early psychosis, Bipolar disorder, Eating disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder etc.)
The request of integrated report must be submitted within ONE month after the first date of assessment/consultation.
Educational psychology
- Dyslexia training for Chinese and English / learning skills training
- Individual training for special education needs children
- Attention and executive functions training
- Social skills and emotion management training
Child comprehensive development assessment and training
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), plus referral for Social Welfare Department services
- Attention Deficit Disorder ADD and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- IQ test
- Hong Kong Comprehensive Assessment Scales for Preschool Children (HKCAS-P)
- Newborn Behavioral Observation
- Dyslexia
- Speech and language
- Oral motor and articulation
- Speech fluency
- Voice
- Fine and gross motoring

Speech therapy
We provide various types of training including interactive games, storytelling, public speaking and group discussion etc. to facilitate following development:
- Children language skills
- Articulation
- Dysfluency
- Oral communication and expression
- Communication and social skills
- Oral motor and coordination
Occupational therapy
- Fine motoring assessment and training
- Visual perception assessment and training
- Hand writing skills assessment and training
- Oral motor

- Motor skills developmental assessment and training
- Core muscle strength
- Coordination ability
- Sensory-motor
- Physical fitness
- Child and adolescent rehabilitation services
Talks and workshop
We have been providing various types of school talks as well as workshops for institutions and organizations. Over the past, our therapists had delivered different topics and sharing including separation anxiety, children mindfulness, parent-child exercises etc. Please contact us for more details and information.

Clinical psychology and educational psychology
Our professional clinical psychologists provide assessment and training for below areas:
- Mood disorders (e.g. depression, anxiety, fear etc.)
- Chronic pain
- Physical and psychological trauma
- Adaptation difficulties
- Personalities disorder
- Interpersonal relationship and marriage problems
- Family therapy
- Relaxation training
- Insomnia
- Early psychosis
- Bipolar disorder
- Eating disorder
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Speech therapy
We provide professional rehabilitation services to clients with communication problems and Dysphagia:
- Early identification
- Professional assessment
- Personalized training and follow up
Common communications problems include:
- Language impairment
- Speech sound disorder
- Hearing impairment
- Dyslexia
- Neurogenic Communication Disorders
- Voice handicap
- Stuttering
- Communication disorders caused by stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease
Dysphagia includes:
- Choking when swallowing
- Gurgly voice after swallow
- Food stuck in throat
- Prolonged meal time

Occupational therapy
We provide below occupational therapy and assessment:
- Home environment consultation and assessment
- Individual living skills assessment and training
- Working ability assessment and training
- Upper Extremity Functional assessment
We provide below physiotherapy and assessment:
- Muscle-strengthening activity
- Physical coordination
- Posture correction
- Multi-sensory exercises
- Physical fitness training